
Showing posts from February, 2009

Stretching the old pins...

We put in 7.2 miles this morning... just a gentle warm-up in readiness for the Princess Half-Marathon (2 weeks today). Sam's ankle seems to have held together so all is looking AOK :D You can check our laps by clicking the link on the right - updated 22nd Feb. I had high hopes that I'd found a way of retrieving the Marathon details from the PC, but it's lost forever :( .... transfer from the Mac failed this morning, but 2 minutes later I had it working again - it's just so much easier to get things working with my Apple :P


My Garmin watch is scary !! We took the kids out for a little stroll around our neighborhood and I put the watch on to see how far it was (different to the normal 'lap' with a nice big hill for endurance) ..... well have just added Mac support for my watch (tried linking it to a PC and lost all the info!) and (obviously!) it quickly and easily installed and communicated...... THIS :O You can see my house from here!! You can also see that I forgot to turn it off before walking around the house for a bit !! That is a lot of detail. Needless to say, it's goodbye Nike watch, hello Garmin supercomputer :D